GOBL Conduct Policy
Personal Conduct Policy
All persons associated with the Greek Orthodox Basketball League (hereinafter referred to as “G.O.B.L”) are required to avoid “conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the G.O.B.L.” This requirement applies to players, coaches, all other team personnel, spectators, ga
It is well understood that rules promoting lawful, ethical, and responsible conduct serve the interests of the G.O.B.L, its players, and supporters. Irresponsible conduct does more than simply tarnish the offender. It puts innocent people at risk, sullies the reputation of others involved in the game, and undermines public respect and support for the G.O.B.L.
Standard of Conduct:
Persons who engage in unacceptable actions will be subject to discipline, including potential suspension or expulsion from the G.O.B.L depending on the severity of the action. The standard of conduct for persons directly involved in the G.O.B.L is considerably higher. It is not enough simply to avoid being found out. Instead, as an active participant of the G.O.B.L or spectator, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the G.O.B.L is based, and is acceptable.
Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are subject to discipline. Discipline may be imposed in any of the following circumstances:
Clergy Assistance:
Apart from any disciplinary action, persons found to have engaged in conduct prohibited under this policy generally will be required to meet with that community’s priest and undergo discussions
Upon learning of conduct that may give rise to discipline, the G.O.B.L may initiate an investigation to include interviews and information gathering from witnesses or other relevant individuals. On matters involving G.O.B.L players, the League will timely advise the community priest and/or the parish president of the investigation and outcome. If appropriate, the individual might also have the opportunity to address the conduct at issue. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Commissioner, with the support and approval of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Direct Archdiocesan District Office, will have full authority to impose discipline as warranted.
Discipline may take the form of a warning, suspension or banishment from the G.O.B.L depending on the severity of the action. The form of discipline shall take into consideration all of the facts and circumstances, including the nature of the incident, the actual or threatened risk to the participant and others, any prior or additional misconduct (historical misappropriations) and other relevant factors.
Unless the available facts clearly indicate egregious circumstances, significant bodily harm or risk to others or an immediate and substantial risk to the integrity and reputation of the G.O.B.L, a first offense generally will not result in discipline until there has been a disposition of the proceeding (or until the investigation is complete in the case of misconduct).
With respect to repeat offenders, the Commissioner, with the support and approval of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Direct Archdiocesan District Office, may impose discipline on an enhanced and/or expedited basis. In such cases, the timing and nature of the discipline will be determined by the Commissioner, the League Directors: with the support and approval of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Direct Archdiocesan District Office, based on several factors including but not limited to: the severity of the initial charge and later charge; the facts underlying the later charge; the length of time between the initial offense and later charge; and the player or employee’s compliance with pastoral counseling and other programs. Following a full investigation and/or resolution of the proceedings, the Commissioner, with the support and approval of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Direct Archdiocesan District Office, will review the matter and make any appropriate adjustments.
Any person suspended indefinitely or for at least one year may seek reinstatement beginning one month prior to the one-year anniversary of the suspension. As part of his consideration of the application for reinstatement from a player, the Commissioner, with the support and approval of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Direct Archdiocesan District Office, will seek the views of the G.O.B.L Board Members.
Other Provisions:
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